Valixol (Tablets)

30 Tablets



Avena sativa 3x, Passiflora 1x, Valeriana Mell-
issa, Extracts


Insomnia, neuralgia, nervousness, depression,
tension, restlessness, stress. Restless and
wakeful  resulting from exhaustion especially in
feeble persons and old aged. Insominia in infants
aged and the  mentally worried and depressed,
overworked people  tendency to convulsions.
Listen imparried memory cannot collect his
thaughts or find the right words. Nervous fatigue,
nerve feeble, confused, sleeplessness arising
from worriment of mind as from business trouble.
Insomnia due to nervous breakdown. Restless,
anxiety, irritable. Sleeplessness due to anxious
thought, grief, sadness or due to any depressing
emotions. Over exertion, anguish and feary. This
remedy brings peaceful sleep, provides rest and
comfort to the nerves and make a person free
from all unnecessary thoughts and fears.


One or two Tablets daily before sleeping.


Available in 30 Tablets packing.


If symptoms persist consult your physician. Store in a cool, dry place. Keep away from the reach of children.


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